Aaron J. Weese Consulting LLC

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Is Your Cannabis Brand In Compliance?

It’s no secret that the cannabis industry has a nasty tangle of red tape that it must get through just to be seen by potential customers. But to add insult to injury, there’s sometimes additional hoops to jump through that pertain to logos and packaging, state regulations and how it all can be a legal nightmare if you aren’t careful.

As Parallel Chairman and CEO Beau Wrigley puts it, “I think it’s going to be a while before [the cannabis industry] really looks like a CPG business… you’ve got regulations on packaging and you can’t ship products across state borders. And then every state has a different regulatory environment, so you don’t have any consistency for mass marketing” (Neiden Tomaselli, 2021). The cannabis industry is viewed through the lens of several industries that, combined, are unlike any other products available in America. They include pharmaceuticals, vitamins, the health and beauty industry, alcohol and tobacco and even the food industry. Because there are a wide variety of products out there for cannabis users in the form of tinctures, flower, vaping, lotions, edibles, beverages and even pills, it’s really important that your brand is in compliance with your state across all marketing channels; including but not limited to your labels.

One Cannabis Brand’s Mishap

Your brand’s packaging directly impacts whether or not your cannabis business will even go to market. One of the best ways to ensure compliance is to hire professionals such as attorneys and marketers who know the ins and outs of the ever-changing landscape of regulations for your state. In one greatly missed opportunity, there was a beautiful package of vape pens that were completely covered up by Metrc stickers. Because that business didn’t take the time to consult with professionals, the graphic designer followed the instructions but didn’t know to leave room for Metrc stickers required by that state. The time, effort and money spent brainstorming, aligning creative briefs with designers, the back and forth of changes and edits, designing the final version of the package, the printing and distribution of products were all completely wasted. They might as well have just had a blank package with a giant Metrc sticker, no logo and no special features highlighted. It was quite sad to see.

This also becomes infinitely more complicated when it comes to CBD products or THC/CBD blended products. Because the FDA has their own requirements separate from the state’s regulations, there are even more guidelines that need to be adhered to. It can feel extremely overwhelming to tackle even one product let alone multiple products from one brand. The biggest piece of advice we can offer is to make sure you have a spectacular team of professionals to help guide your cannabis brand through the ins and outs that each product and regulation will require of you and your team (and don’t forget that also includes who you use as a printer as well).

If you’re unsure even just a little bit about what you’re doing, give us a shout. We want to see your cannabis brand succeed and grow. Don’t end up covered in Metrc stickers before you get in front of your customers.


Neiden Tomaselli, Cassie. From Candy to Cannabis. Cannabis Business Times. 2021, March 29. https://www.cannabisbusinesstimes.com/article/beau-wrigley-interview-parallel-cannabis/